Spring Lawn Care and Watering

by Jul 13, 2014Spring Lawn Care

Spring is officially here in North Texas and it is time for local homeowners to start thinking about lawn care. As the sun begins to peek through the clouds, one of the first items on your lawn spring cleaning list is to nail your watering.

Watering your lawn is an important part of having a beautiful one. However, watering your lawn properly requires some knowledge. Here are some of our best spring tips for watering your lawn well and environmentally-conscious.

How Often Should You Be Watering?

Knowing when you are watering too much is important. In Texas, we suggest watering your lawn only when it is needed. Especially at the beginning of spring; look out for the weather. Not every day is going to be sunny and there will be some weeks of rain. Remember, too much water can damage your lawn as much as no water.

Talk with your lawn care professionals and find out how often you should be watering your lawn and discuss the possibility of an automated sprinkler system.

Catching the Root Zone

Watering the root zone is the most important part about ensuring that your lawn is getting enough water. You want to water the roots and not just wet the leaves. Simply wetting the leaves is a huge waste of water and even spreads disease in your lawn.

In order to make sure that you hit the root, you want to water your lawn deeply and with a soaker hose. These are more effective than a standard sprinkler and will help prevent your lawn from drying out later on in the season.

Timing is Everything for Spring Lawn Care

Water your lawn at the right time. Your best bet for a successful watering session is to water in the morning. This makes it more difficult for your lawn and other plants to contract diseases during drier days.

If watering in the morning is simply not an option, watering in the evening between 4 and 6 p.m. gives your lawn enough time to dry out before night.

Also, simply looking at your lawn is enough for you to be able to tell how it is time to water your lawn. If you notice your lawn turning a dull green or gray color, that is a sure sign that your lawn is in need of some serious water.

Knowing When You Have Watered Enough

If you are watering your lawn and notice that it is not absorbing water quickly, or puddling is occurring, this is a sign that you are watering too often. If this happens, shorten your watering cycles into increments of a few minutes on and a few minutes off.

Executive Lawn Care Services Many Types of Lawns

There are many different types of grass that require different watering techniques. If you have any questions about what type of lawn you have or what kind of lawn care is required during spring, we suggest getting in touch with Executive Lawn Care. We have the experience and skill to make your lawn the best it has ever been. Contact us to schedule an appointment.