Fall fertilization can help make your lawn a pleasurable experience. Nothing feels better than taking a barefoot stroll through your lush, freshly mowed lawn.  You don’t get that lush spring lawn without a bit of work in the autumn. Fall fertilizing is vital to your lawn. In fact, fall is the most important time of year to feed your lawn.

What Should You Consider During Fall Fertilization?

A good understanding of what to use can be tough for the average weekend-landscaper.  The first thing to know about fertilizer is the formula. It is represented by three numbers, such as the most common 5-10-5.

*Note: What these numbers represent are: nitrogen-phosphorus-potassium. 

Early fall fertilizers should be a 20-8-8 formula, while a late fall fertilizer application might require 13-25-12 mixture. These suggestions can be adjusted according to your grass type, lawn issues and on your landscaper’s recommendations.

Give Your Lawn a Break From the Summer Heat

Summer stresses our lawns. The heat and lack of rain will wither the roots of the grass. While grass may go dormant to protect itself during a drought, the cooler nights of early fall may bring it out of its self-imposed dormancy.

During that dormancy, the root system has shrunk.  Mowing your lawn too short or not often enough has also put a strain on your lawn. Add in weeds and insects, then you can see why the lawn may need a little autumn help. Fall lawn fertilization is the welcomed solution.

Why Should You Fertilize in the Fall?

Fall is the perfect time to nourish your lawn for several reasons.

o   It supports root growth for a healthier spring lawn

o   Increased nitrogen in the fertilizer will push blade growth

o   Morning dew delivers added moisture to help the fertilizer be absorbed into the turf

o   Late fall addition of phosphorus will encourage root strength

o   Autumn fertilization helps the grass to build up resilience for the winter

o   Any crabgrass or invasive weeds can be treated in the fall to hinder springtime emergence

We have covered the what and why, so how about the when? In the Frisco area, the best time to fertilize in the fall is early October. If the summer seems to be lasting a little longer, you can wait a week or two.

If you are interested in a late fall feeding, apply 2-3 weeks before the ground freezes. Time of day is important also. Morning or early evening are the best times of day for application of fertilizer in order to avoid the warmer daytime temperatures.

The heat will work against your fertilizer. Regarding rain, never apply fertilizer before heavy rain or on wet grass.  It has just rained, wait a day to fertilize. Lastly, should you mow before or after fall fertilizing?  It is best to have the lawn mowed first but leave behind some grass clipping to help the roots.

Fertilize Your Lawn Expertly with Executive Lawn Care

Fall fertilizing helps leave grass strong and healthy for the upcoming winter season Controlling the weeds will strengthen the chance of roots getting deeper. Many professional lawn-care companies offer fall lawn feeding in their list of services.  Even if you do not use a lawn-care company for mowing, most will be happy to take care of your fall fertilizing needs, including Executive Lawn Care.  All it takes is a simple phone call. Contact us to get your home on our schedule.