If every time you mow you are bagging up the clippings and setting them out for the trash, you are missing out on some wonderful opportunities to be green, recycle and reuse. In fact, many areas refuse to pick up yard waste, so reusing grass clippings is almost a necessity.
The most obvious use of grass cuttings is to leave them on the lawn. Contrary to the belief that clippings cause thatch, clippings are actually good for your lawn. They are rich in nutrients like potassium and nitrogen. Leaving those clippings on the lawn saves time and energy. It is best to use a mulching mower so that the clippings are finer. Having sharp lawnmower blades and mowing only dry grass is also important. Lastly, mow regularly at the suggested cutting height for your type of lawn. If you are shooting for perfection, mow in one direction at a higher setting, then do a second pass with the mower set lower. Never mow too short. One caution, if your lawn is showing signs of disease, such as large patch, algal scum, or mildew, do NOT leave your clippings on your lawn. Always bag and safely discard.
Reuse Your Lawn Clippings For Mulch
The next suggestion for reusing your lawn cuttings is for mulching. Use grass clippings as mulch around your flower beds and vegetables. Mulching with lawn clippings allows you to protect the plants from heat, suppress weeds, and conserve water. Always use dry clippings. This lets the plants breathe in vital oxygen. Use a thin layer, approximately ¼”. You can mix with wood mulch if you are going for a particular appearance. Caution, do not use clippings if you have recently treated the lawn with a herbicide or pesticide.
Clippings Can Be Used For A Compost Pile
After a lawn mowing, lawn clippings are a perfect addition to your compost pile or container. Clippings are rich in nitrogen and will break down quickly. Mixed with cardboard, straw or shredded paper, along with vegetable kitchen scraps, the grass cuttings compost pile will be active with insects and composting microbes. Your compost pile will later produce a nutrient-rich fertilizer for your lawn and gardens.
Add Your Clippings To Flowerpots
Flowerpots, planting containers and raised garden beds often get dry and nutrition starved during the summer months. Grass clippings can help. When planting in containers, a layer or two within the container or box, mixed with layers of soil and compost, will help you grow beautiful flowering plants or tasty summer vegetables. Think of making a lasagna when using this grass layering system. Putting a thick layer atop the soil will help to keep the roots a bit cooler and aid in preserving water.
A Cost-Effective Way To Feed Animals
Grass cuttings can be used to make animal feed. If you have cattle, you can make protein-rich silage from recent clippings. Silage is more digestible than hay for your cows. Cows and sheep can eat fresh grass cuttings as well. It is best to spread it out on the ground to dry; do not leave it in a heap to decompose or grow disease. This will hurt your animals. Never use any chemically treated grass clippings for your sheep or cows. If you do not own animals, local farmers or ranchers may be willing to take your grass cuttings.
Don’t Ever Burn Your Clippings
Lastly, never burn your fresh or dried grass clippings. It can be harmful to your health and is not good for the environment. It should also be noted that during the summer months in Texas, fires can be especially dangerous. A small fire can quickly get out of hand.
Don’t Feel Like Dealing With Lawn Maintenance? Executive Lawn Care Can Help!
Don’t just bag up all those grass clippings, use them all around your yard to nourish, protect, save water and save money for your landscaping needs. If you don’t have the time to properly care for your lawn, no worries, Executive Lawn Care is here to help! Contact us today for your free quote!
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